2023 GreenTech Conference Recordings
View the full agenda and list of speakers at the 2023 GreenTech Conference.
Morning Sessions
Welcoming Remarks, Keynote Speeches, and Plenary Panel (Recording A*)
*Time Stamp 0:00 - 2:49:09
9 AM | Welcoming Remarks
9:30 AM | Keynote: Inflation Reduction Act "One Year In"
10 AM | Keynote: Level Setting - Identifying the Key Legal and Policy Challenges to Achieving the Energy Transition
10:45 AM | Plenary Panel: Enabling an Equitable Energy Transition
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Track 1: Power Sector (Recording A*)
*Time Stamp 2:49:09 - 5:20:39
1 - 1:20 PM | Accelerating the Transition to Low-Carbon Energy
1:20 - 2:30 PM | Intersection of IRA and EPA's Power Plant Proposal: Pathways for Renewables, Natural Gas, and Hydrogen in the Energy Transition
2:45 - 4 PM | Siting and Permitting Energy Transition Infrastructure: Developing Meaningful Procedural Reforms
Track 2: Transportation (Recording B)
1 - 1:20 PM | Solving the Decarbonization Puzzle
1:20 - 2:30 PM | Road, Rail, and Shipping: Expanding Role of EVs, Fuel Cells, and Advanced Technologies - Are the IRA Incentives Sufficient?
2:45 - 4 PM | Critical Minerals and Other Supply Chain Challenges for IRA Technologies
Track 3: Carbon Management & Accounting (Recording C)
1 - 1:20 PM | Carbon Management, Removal, and Measurement
1:20 - 2:30 PM | The Role of Carbon Capture and Direct Air Capture: Divergent Stakeholder Views and the Need for New Legal and Policy Frameworks
2:45 - 4 PM | Measurement, Reporting and Verification: Offset Markets and Net Zero Accounting
Afternoon Session
Closing Plenary (Recording A*)
*Time Stamp 5:20:39 - 6:26:23
4:30 - 5:30 PM | Summing It Up - The Search for Common Ground